Enjoy the only decent drawing currently available

In a surprising turn of events, the elusive author has decided to share their artistic prowess with the world by unveiling the one and only decent drawing in their collection, so far. Fans and critics alike have long speculated about the creative talents of the author, and the moment has finally arrived to witness their artistic expression. Or so said author wishes. Sometime in the future; in their dreams, maybe?

The "Masterpiece"

A headshot sketch of Cindy, 3/4, with a neutral expression, wearing a witch hat.

Well, here it is! One of my first good drawings of one of the characters that will be featured in Athconsia: Cindy! Trust me, she's way more peppy than she looks here. Usually.


This drawing was made at school, on my laptop, using a portable graphic tablet.

What's Next?

As of the 1st of December 2023, the website is mostly done. Well, it will certainly be redesigned in the future, but functionality-wise? I say it's decent. Perchance.

Stay tuned for updates! There's a lot to come. Things that I've been working on since I was 14.